Monday, April 9, 2018

Image result for human mindWriting is the basis on which everyone in the world can find his or her own ways of expressing themselves, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. Writing has its own languages within itself, each in a different form. Writing is an essential tool that one needs to be successful, but it also serves as a stress relief valve when sharing your ideas. It is impossible to get through education without learning how to write. There is a stigma around what makes good non-fiction writing so good. The best non-fiction derives from the personal side of the writer of the piece. 

Image result for anne frankPersonal writing warrants the freedom of someone expressing themselves in any way which they please, leaving room for more thought, passion, and originality. Some of the best known and successful writers write about their personal experiences. For example, Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who was in hiding during the Holocaust became world famous for her diary that she wrote in daily while in hiding. According to, " Shortly before going into hiding Anne receives a diary for her birthday. She starts writing straightaway and during her time in hiding she writes about events in the secret annex and about herself. Her diary is a great support to her. Anne also writes short stories and collects quotations from other writers in her ‘book of beautiful sentences’." Her personal writing served as a remedy for her stress in a time where they are hiding at the expense of her life. This anxiety fueled the passion inside of her that made her diary so powerful. When a person writes just for themselves, they don't have the pressure of grades, or any kind of anxiety. You have the freedom to choose your on tone and formality of what you're writing, as well as the diction, syntax, and overall mood. You have nobody to impress or persuade, as opposed to academic writing where you have to robotically write in attempt to get your teacher to agree with you. Personal writing is just throwing ideas onto your paper.

Image result for applying to collegeNot everyone views personal writing at the same relevance as academic writing. It depends on the audience, and who the your writing pertains to. For example, applying to college has evolved into a question of personality instead of the traditional intelligence levels that it once was. Many years ago, applications were based off of grades and achievements, not the morals, ethics, and personality of someone. In this day and age, a normal college application essay is a test of your character, background, and identity. Many colleges ask the applicant to write about their story, not about an academic topic that serves to showcase an applicant’s classroom intelligence. Colleges take the students who come across as genuine, and that stems from personal writing. Applicants who fail to be granted admission tell the colleges what they want to hear, not what they want the colleges to know about them. Honing personal writing skills allows one to significantly improve their writing, and can help teenagers apply to schools and for jobs as they approach adulthood. I truly believe writing without any determining factors or restrictions is the recipe for some of the best writing that a person can produce.

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