Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Waking up from the Van Winkle Project

Response to: Van Winkle Project
The most surprising part of the first blog post after Birdie "woke up" was his attitude towards the information that was thrown at him. He spoke about his pancake recipie as much as he talked about the past year of events that were revealed to him. This is shocking for multiple reasons, but it symbolizes a change in his priorities. Prior to the news-free year, Birdie identified as a "news addict." In his autobiography page, he spoke of his constant focus being on headlines and his inquisitive mind always engaging in conversation about worldly events. After, he focuses on his family and pancakes. He voluntarily continues his Sunday morning routine without news. He is no longer an addict; he is through the withdrawal stage. He has adjusted to life without headlines. Birdie asks questions about the year's news in his blog post rather than reacting to it with conclusions or apparent emotions. Headlines are created in a manner that intends on invoking emotion and desire to read more. Having news presented to Birdie in a concise presentation by his son and wife is a change from his previous way of obtaining news. Facts and events from the year serve a new purpose for Birdie after he wakes up.


  1. On point analysis and an interesting topic to write about (although pancakes are truly the most important things in life). It's interesting to see how someone's priorities can change when he or she realizes what he/she doesn't actually need to live a full life.

  2. Huh it's cool how he focuses more on family now. Haha it's interesting that he went through a withdrawal stage too.


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