Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Synthetic Slumber

A year without news would be incredible waste of time. Birdie, the man  conducting the experiment, is interested to know what his life would be like if he were asleep to the world like Rip Van Winkle was for twenty years. The difference between the two is that Birdie is willingly falling “asleep” while Van Winkle was tricked into his comatose state. The reasoning behind the experiment is pure curiosity, but a real Rip Van Winkle sleep would entail no news or contact with anyone since in his sleep he was completely unaware of everything going on around him, even the weath. Imagining life without updates of the world’s current events in this modern world is like trying to live without a car in Los Angeles. That is to say it is nearly impossible, not that many people would even considering attempting it. Birdie is an interesting fellow who decided to try what may be one of the hardest feats in the current age. His attempt at falling “falling asleep” is truly commendable.


  1. Nice overview of the Blog! Try to take a stance in the paragraph rather than summarizing the blog. Good start!

  2. Good ideas. I liked the way you compared the project to another situation (driving in LA).


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